Accounting Office





Accounting & tax consultancy services

We provide comprehensive and reliable accounting & tax consultancy services for individuals, freelancers, farmers and businesses.


Subsidized programs by the NSRF (National Strategic Reference Framework)/ OAED (Greek Manpower Employment Organization)

We provide reliable services for the preparation of economic and technical studies and business plans, based on available investment programs and grants. In this context, we undertake the study, elaboration and submission of subsidy programs both for young freelancers, through OAED, and for existing businesses, through community programs.


Tutoring courses & accounting seminars

Mr. Athanasios Demiris, with many years of teaching experience in economics courses, delivers specialized courses, private and in groups, to third grade high school students, students of economics departments and those interested in ASEP (Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection) competitions.



Mr. Demiris Athanasios is a graduate of the Department of Business Administration of the University of Macedonia, a member of the Economic Chamber and a holder of a first class accountant, with extensive experience and knowledge in accounting, tax and labor issues.